Utility Payments

Payments options for cash, check, or money order:

1. Front desk in the Municipal Office daily from 8:30am – 4:30pm, closed for lunch from noon – 1pm

2. 24-Hour drop box slot on the front of the Municipal building

3. U.S. Postal Service

4. Online Payment options through customer payment portal (service fee required):

a. ACH (automated check)

b. Credit card – Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.

Click HERE to be taken to the online payment portal.

Due Dates:

Utility bills are mailed on the first workday of the month. Bills are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on the weekend, the bills will be due the following Monday.

Late Notice

If utility bills are not paid by the due date, a late notice will be mailed/emailed the day after the late penalty has been added to the account.

Disconnection for Non-Payment

Accounts not paid by the last work day of the month will be disconnected for non-payment on the first work day of the next month. There will be a $35 reconnect fee once your account appears on the disconnect list, even if not disconnected.

Bad Check Charges

Payments which are dishonored either by check, ACH, or credit card, will be treated as nonpayment. A return payment charge of $27.50 will be added to each account. If the dishonored amount is not paid promptly, the water will be shut off and a $35.00 reconnection fee will be added to the account. Both of the above charges must be paid before service will be restored.

Meter Tampering

No one should open the water meter pits to turn the water on or off. Town employees are the only individuals authorized to turn the water on & off. If you tamper in any way with the meter or the automatic reading equipment there is a $150 fee.

During the day call (765) 789-6112 if you need your water shut off.

Utility Connection Charges

Water Connections:
There will be $850 charge for new water connections for 5/8″ & 3/4″ meters. The actual cost of installation will be charged for meters larger than 3/4″, but not less than $850. These charges will be assessed to all water meters, even if more than one meter is installed in the same water pit.

Business owners who request their water be shut off at the meter for regular water line maintenance will be charged a $70 fee. Business owners are encouraged to have a working water shut off connection inside their building. Shut offs required due to line breaks/leaks between the meter and the customer’s shut off will be exempt from this fee.

Sewage Connections:
There will be a $650 charge for new sewage connections.

New Service Deposits

A deposit is required for all new service connections. Deposits are as follows:

Residential $150
Rental Owner $50
Rental Tenant $150

Business deposits will be determined by the Town Council.

Account usage will be monitored for 3 months. If usage is higher than the deposit amount, an additional deposit will be required. See ordinance 2011-33.


Minimum Charge


First 2,000 Gallons

$400per 1,000 gallons (included in min. chg.)

Next 3,000 Gallons

781per 1,000 gallons

Next 5,000 Gallons

705per 1,000 gallons

Next 20,000 Gallons

479per 1,000 gallons

Next 30,000 Gallons

389per 1,000 gallons

Water meters will be read the middle of the month and billed on the first of each month.

After Hours Water Emergencies:

Call Rick Freiburger at (765) 749-8828. If no answer, leave a message as to what the emergency is and your address then call the Police Department at (765) 789-6151. If no one answers, call (765) 747-7878 and ask the dispatcher to have the officer on duty call you right away.


One time each year a customer may have an adjustment on both water and sewage for water leaks after repairs have been made. The adjustment amount will be based on the average of the last three months usage.A second adjustment for sewage only may be given for additional water leaks once repairs have been made.


Residential Users


Non-Residential Users

$1064month for impervious material less than 2800 sq. ft.
  • $0.0038 per sq. ft. for impervious material over 2,800 sq. ft.
  • Gravel credit of 2/3 rate per Sq Ft.


Residential Users

  • For 1 Toter

Non-Residential Users

  • For 2 cubic yards a week

Additional toters will be billed by contractor on a quarterly basis.

Extra pick up of large items may be arranged by calling 789-6112. Items will be picked up on Friday’s and must be paid for ahead of time. You may view the current prices by opening the following link – Large Item Price List.

Trash will be picked up on Thursdays. Toters should be set next to the street on Wednesday evening.



  • Base Rate of $35.68 per month

  • Flow Charge of $7.75 per 1,000 gallons used per month.


Base Rate per month as follows:

       a) 3/4 or 5/8 inch meter $35.68

       b) 1 inch meter $88.50

       c) 1 1/2 inch meter $184.54

       d) 2 inch meter $283.21

       e) 3 & 4 inch meters $529.58

Flow Charge of $7.75 per 1,000 gallons used per month.

Industrial Users Pre-Treat and who use more than 30,000 gallons per month follow the same base rate. Flow Charge is $1.16 per 1,000 gallons used per month.